Saturday, April 17, 2010

Supper update

Well, good news. I combined a can of great northern beans, a can of chunk chicken breast, a can of chicken broth, a drained can of carrots, one onion, a cup of frozen hashbrowns, cup of frozen corn and a cup of frozen green peas. Add a touch of salt and black pepper and bring it to a simmering boil. Add a can of evaporated milk and you have a nice pot of soup for two. Not gourmet fare but satisfying and will sure warm up a drenched husband.

Seems the campers at the state park don't deal with being trapped in the park, unable to leave due to the flooded low water crossing. Not that they weren't planning on staying the night anyway. I mean, they are CAMPING here and have either an RV or a tent set up. Complaints of "my tent is wet" is one of my faves as well as "there are bugs in my camp site!". City people. What did they expect? Do they not watch the weather before packing the Lexus SUV and heading to the wilderness? Now I know why my husband loses his sense of humor on the weekends. I don't do "stupid" well myself.

If it will stop raining I'll let out the old bloodhound. Seems rain is cryptonite to old bloodhounds and she is having none of it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim! Glad it finally stopped raining! I bookmarked your blog and am looking forward to all the entertaining stories to come! Miss you guys!
